Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Bueno, así que ha sido hoy el peor día en el mucho tiempo. Las policías enroscan con mi mamá, yo no me siento bien, las ventas son hacia abajo, las personas son rameras, la vida chupa, depresión poco apetitosa, poco apetitosa, poco apetitosa y poco apetitosa.
¿Ve lo que significo? Así que las policías tratan de condenar mi hogar de madre, aunque ella tenga no donde ir más. Ellos tratan de dar sus varios cien dólares en multas, y ellos tratan de llevar su perro. Si usted me pregunta, pienso que es un tapón de mierda de toro. ¿Cómo puede hacer usted alguien se siente tan vergonzoso cuando ellos no han hecho injusticia?
En primero de ello todo, nosotros estamos atrás a hacer la meta por el año. El Hombre del Jefe del señor tiene un infarto, y él me maneja loco.
Nuestra cena chupó anoche, e hice ni quiero entrar el primer lugar. Sacudido no asistió, así que estuve loco por eso. El alimento fue bruto. ¡Odio mariscos! Yo no sé por qué nosotros no tuvimos apenas una cena regular como hizo el año pasado. ¡Pensé que fue bastante estúpido!
¡Cualquier! Como mis opiniones cuenta realmente. Mi madre siempre me dijo que opiniones están como hoyos de asno. ¡TODOS TIENEN UNO!

Ok, now for the ones who can't read that.......

, Donc aujourd'hui a été bien le pire jour dans un temps LONG. Les flics vissent avec ma maman, je ne me sens pas bon, les ventes sont en bas du, les gens sont des chiennes, la vie suce, blablabla fade fade.
Voir que je signifie ? Donc les flics essaient de condamner la maison de ma mère, bien qu'elle a non où d'autre aller. Ils essaient de lui donner plusieurs cent dollars dans les amendes, et ils essaient d'enlever son chien. Si vous me demandez, je pense c'est un bung de merde à l'hausse. Comment pouvez-vous faire quelqu'un se sent si honteux quand ils ont fait aucun mauvais ?
Sur lui tout, nous sommes derrière sur faire de but pour l'année. L'Homme de Patron de monsieur a un assaut de coeur, et il me conduit fou.
Notre dîner a sucé hier soir, et je n'ai pas voulu aller même en premier lieu. Tremblé n'a pas assisté, donc j'étais fou de cela. La nourriture était brute. Je déteste les ralentissements ! Je ne sais pas pourquoi nous n'avons pas eu juste un dîner régulier comme nous avons fait l'année dernière. J'ai pensé cet étais assez stupide !
Quoi que ! Comme mes opinions compte vraiment. Ma mère toujours m'a dit que les opinions sont comme les trous d'âne. TOUT LE MONDE L'UN A !

...And for the ones who can't read that either...

Ok,很今天是很長的一段時間的最糟的日。警察跟我的媽媽一起在轉動,我不感覺很好,銷售額是下降的,人是母狗,一生的吸,單調乏味單調乏味單調乏味單調乏味的廢話。看我意味著的?這樣警察在嘗試譴責我的母親的家,即使她沒有哪裡另外去。他們在嘗試給她的在罰款中的幾百美元,他們在嘗試把她的狗帶走。如果你問我,我認為它是雄性的糞的一個塞子。你可以製作如何某人在他們沒有做過錯誤時覺得很不體面的?在它上面全部,我們關於做出年的目標。Boss Man 先生在有一次心臟病,他在弄得我瘋狂。我們的晚餐昨晚吸,我沒有甚至想首先去。被震動沒有出席,這樣我關於那是發瘋的。食物是極大的。我討厭海鮮!我不知道我們沒有剛剛像為什麼一樣吃普通的晚餐我們去年行。我認為它相當愚蠢的!無論什麼!像我的見解一樣實在計數。我的母親總是告訴我見解像蠢驢洞。每個人有一個!

:) Just messing with y'all....here is what it really says....

Ok, so today has been the worst day in a LONG time. The cops are screwing with my mom, I do not feel good, sales are down, people are bitches, life sucks, blah blah blah blah blah.
See what I mean? So the cops are trying to condemn my mother's home, even though she has no where else to go. They are trying to give her several hundred dollars in fines, and they are trying to take her dog away. If you ask me, I think it is a bung of bull shit. How can you make someone feel so shameful when they have done no wrong?
On top of it all, we are behind on making goal for the year. Mister Boss Man is having a heart attack, and he is driving me crazy.
Our dinner last night sucked, and I did not even want to go in the first place. Jared did not attend, so I was mad about that. The food was gross. I hate seafood! I do not know why we did not just have a regular dinner like we did last year. I thought it was pretty stupid!
Whatever! Like my opinions really count. My mother always told me that opinions are like ass holes. EVERYBODY HAS ONE!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

My lovely ChRiStMaS tree!!!

Here are the pics that I promised. This is the tree that Jared pitched a fit for.

I love this freakin' tree.
I had pictures of the prety table setting, but they mysteriously disappeared off of the memory card. I wonder how that could have happened ?

Friday, December 7, 2007

It's the Most Wonderful (and slow) time.......

.......of the year. Christmas time in the office SUCKS...IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO SLOW. We are all so bored that we are actually racing to answer the phone. How lame is that?

See how bored we are?!?!?!?!?

Ok, change of pace now. I am getting in the mood for Christmas. I love this time of the year. I am soooo excited to go Christmas shopping. I have all my gifts picked out for everyone and part of the shopiing done (for the ones at work). I am so excited.

Here is the tree at the house that Jared and I had a fit picking out. I would have had a better picture, but I couldn't get the @$$ to email me any today :). It's pretty. I will do a blog with Christmas all over it and then post that sometime next week....


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Laugh Fest :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I think I lost like at least 25 pounds today. Have you just ever had one of those days where all you do is laugh??? Well, that is my day today. I woke up this morning in a really good mood for some reason. Probably becasue it is getting so close to Christmas. And I LOVE CHRISTMAS...from the decorations right down to the sweet potato pie. I LOVEIT ALL!!!!! Anyways, so all day I have been cracking little stupid jokes and laughing at them. Also, Miranda has had me going all day with her stories :). I think if I keep this up, my side will split (which might not be a bad thing if it'llhelpme lose some weight)!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Guess the whole week will be like this :( *Lookin' forward to a brighter day...*

Well, I have had another one of those days. Seems like nothing can go right. I'm madder than a wet hen, and there is nothing I can do about it.
Anyways, life sucks right now. What do you do when someone crosses the line in your work place, but they have so much more seniority than you? Can't stand when you make a general statement, question, and/or suggestion and then you get screamed at for it or get so much attitude back that it is unreal. So, now I sit here wondering what I can do to make the situation better when really it is just time wasted wondering. I get treated unfairly because I am young, and that is always how it will be with a certain someone. WHATEVER...............

Monday, November 26, 2007

Pulling all my hair out.....

Can this day get any worse??? Besides the fact that it has been storming all day, there has been a lot going on. Honey keeps digging out of her pen. I called Jared to tell him to bring all the dogs inside due to this horrid rain...he tells me that Honey got out AGAIN and that she is nowhere to be found. He has been hollering for her for about 30 minutes. No sign of the idiot...I hope she is okay. So, I am getting out of class this morning and see that it is a torrential down pour outside. I had no choice but to slosh through it and get to my car so I could go to work. The further I walked, the harder the rain came down. When I got to my car, it looked like I had jumped in the shower with my clothes on. Straightened my hair for absolutely NOTHING this morning :(. Get to work and have been so busy that I don't know what to do. People are calling for this and asking questions about that...typical Monday morning at Jim Dickerson State Farm. Welcome to the life of me....how bad can it get?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Puppies.....gotta love 'em

Honey had puppies on October 3, 2007. There were 9 total (2 females and 7 males). There are five left. We are planning on keeping one that we have began to call "Grady". They are kinda getting on my nerves because they wine all the time and poop everywhere. I wish someone would come get the other ones.

Grady is the blue brindle one. He is my fave. However, I haev fallen in love with the one with the white face. If you are interested in one, please let me know.....

The First Time EVER! And ME ME ME!!!!~

Ok, so this is my official first blogging experience. To be quite honest, I am not even sure on what all I am suppoed to put in this thing. I normally don't do stuff like this. Me and Miranda have just set up our first blogspots, so please bare with me as I embark on my blogging adventure :).

Yep, that's me. So, I am 20 years old (and looking forward to 21 on June 29, 2008). I live in Port St. Joe, FL...it's a REALLY small town. Everyone knows everyone else's business. Kinda hate it. Anyways, so I work full-time at Jim Dickerson State Farm in Panama City, FL . Heart it big. I have my 4-40 and 2-15 insurance licenses through the lovely state of Florida. This means that I can write any line of insurance that you would like. I am also Bank certified, so I can do deposit account, loans, etc. as well. I am also a full-time student of Gulf Coast Community College. I will be at Gulf Coast Community College and at Florida State University Panama City next year. I graduate from GCCC in May 2008. Afterwards, I will be at FSU PC full-time until I am finished with my Bachelor's. I am still contemplating on whether or not to pursue my Master's.

This is supposed to be my smart look :)

So, enough about me. I am currently dating the most wonderful guy in the whole world. Jared Little is my life. I HEART HIM BIG!!! We have been dating since May 20, 2004. We live together, and for the most part we get along great. I mean for the most part, because everyone has their usual bickering back and forth with each other.

Ok, so I will call it quits on this one. It is a little lengthy. Kinda like it though, so I PROMISE YOU there will be more to come. Possibly in the next few minutes even.

About Me

My photo
I am a proud mother of a beautiful baby boy born March 6, 2009. He brightens every day, and I could never find a love like the one I have for this kid. I know that having this baby with Jared has made me love him so much more, and in a whole different way! We are one happy LITTLE family :)!